Growth of the penis: myths and reality

Men, and you are satisfied with the length of your friend? And if not, make any effort for the increase? Here! Here in this and you also benefit sellers of all kinds of instruments and technologies, that actually do not work. Or to work, but it is not exactly so, as promise this is not a purely hand-entrepreneurs. It's very simple: I can in a short period of time to increase a single part of the body. Yes, even for a long duration increase is possible only within 10-15% of the original size. Let's look at the myths about the growth of the penis and the reality, which is not so much a rainbow as our promise.



Until today it is the only effective and safe method of penis enlargement, and not only in length but also in thickness. An experienced doctor with years of experience - a plastic surgeon - run the operation will study the anatomical features of the sexual organ, as they say, weigh the "pros" and "cons". Your health will not suffer damage.

Urologist, andrologist, together with plastic surgeon will follow for the restoration of the functions of the penis in the postoperative period. The surgery will last over an hour with local anesthesia. During the operation will not be affected vital organs, the risk of serious complications is reduced to minimum.

The surgery for the lengthening of the penis is that interficiam the muscles that support the penis to the top. Then, these muscles stitched into new position (a little lower). Because of this, the state, like dropping a few inches forward.

Thus, the increase of the length of the penis is achieved by changing the position of the. The penis after surgery is a little lower than the normal position.

During the surgery can increase length of penis up to 4 inches. It should be noted that in erection the penis becomes, therefore, is a little different place, namely above the horizontal.

Smear, fricabis and wait for the result...

And as there was no and no. For the benefits or the risks, performance, creams, gels and ointments for penis enlargement goes a huge amount of myths. The manufacturers of miracle-drugs for a few days guarantee a growth of the penis not only in length but also in diameter. The "friend" should be increased through stimulation of the cells of the tissues of the penis, that is, you have to start to grow, such as waving a magic wand, and then, when we grow up to the size you need, it will stop. How much should it be? 18, 20, or 25 points? Everything is possible, you should carefully rub! And the result will not wait... because it won't be! Popular ointments, creams, gels, neither good nor bad will bring your health. If, however, a positive result from the data intinctione substances will be - the skin of your penis will become soft, smooth and silky, as popa a newborn baby, as the commercial says!

potency pills

Time one tablet, two tablet...

Three tablets, five, ten, and so can be to infinity! It is unlikely that something will start to grow in the region or to increase. The sex organ will not be long, only because you are actively drinking vitamins or supplements, which are advertised pills for penis enlargement. Use of them can be and will be: the hair becomes shiny, vitamin c will not be, but this bird will not rise even a few inches, whichever side is not posuit in this line-up! It may seem that everything is in the same state has increased, but it is not so! Don't forget that when something is too much the wait, it can happen illusion! Even artificially induced increase of the male hormone testosterone in the blood of men can not affect the growth of the penis.

The physical exercise is on the lookout of The size!

Sure, exercise can stimulate the enlargement process penis. Only here there is a but: if the sex organ has grown, if you are not a teenager and puberty in your case a very long forgotten fact, no exercise will not help to enlarge the penis.

Special training courses "friend", manual techniques will have a beneficial effect on the sexual organ. For the prevention of diseases of the penis in anyone I don't bother.

And remember: those who say that the state is a muscular organ, they just don't know about this institution absolutely nothing. The penis is composed of muscle, and from the corpora and the corpus cavernosum, which expands through the summation of the blood, thus, causing an erection. You cannot achieve penis enlargement by exercising the muscles.

Pull, dr., pull!

Permanent mechanical resistance with the help of a special machine - extender - allows you to enlarge the penis, or rather to make it more. This will not have to think that the genitalia is proportionally concentrated, it is not so! The penis to become long and elegant refined. True stretch is not and will not be soon, and erit tenuior significantly.

Wearing this machine to the penis must be no less than 9 hours daily. For the people around you will not go unnoticed. And since the machine consists of a plastic ring, which is connected with two metal studs, which is a built-in plastic bracket with silicone rubber fixture to fasten the head of the penis, then it is unlikely to be comfortable will move with extender, pendentia between the legs.

Moreover, this can be bad. But, in principle, the prospect is not bad: at least in length of a member will increase, so in some years you will need to expose the penis unpleasant process of dressing and removal of the device. Dilution will be your friend for months.

growth of the penis


Yes, indeed, thanks to the help of vacuum pump penis can be increased in volume. Of course, the action of this effect is temporary: usually, after 24 hours the instrument comes with the original situation. And this way is available and the negative sides (side effects). The incorrect use of a vacuum pump may lead to rupture of the blood vessels of the penis, can cause bruising, and sometimes even deformation of the penis.