Vitamins for erection: what men want for the force?

Maintain an erection firm help correctly built diet and multivitamin complexes with selenium or zinc. Receive vitamins and minerals for men to improve the potency of the meat, seafood, by-products, vegetables and fruits, greens, grains.

To complement a comprehensive treatment of impotence is possible by taking a multivitamin complexes for men. You can buy any of the locked section without the proper prescription.


Inadvertently the question arises, what medicinal means to choose? Doctors believe that the best option is to choose polyvitaminic complexes for men.

Which vitamins and minerals they need men?

Erection problems arise every second men from the age of 50 years. To stabilize the sexual potency, many patients prefer to use PDE-5 inhibitors or useful supplements.

The use of sexual stimulation allows you to enhance potency and libido. But the doctors insist that the treatment of erectile dysfunction should be is a complex one. A man must be from the products and a multivitamin complexes to receive adequate amounts of macronutrients, responsible for the circulation of the blood, the synthesis of testosterone, the job of the prostate and the quality of the ejaculate.

In order to maintain the potency fixed, a male should receive adequate information, such as:

  • Vitamins A and D3. How can they act in place? All of these elements have a positive influence on the work of the musculoskeletal system and the endocrine system. But there is an interesting fact - a sufficient amount of vitamin D indirectly stimulates the synthesis of androgens.
  • The B vitamins are involved in the process of the synthesis of testosterone. Also b vitamins to restore the energy structure of the human being and protect the liver from exposure to toxins. According to medical estimates, vitamins are involved in over 1500 biochemical processes.
  • Vitamin E Is a natural antioxidant. Vitamin E has tangible benefits for the blood circulation and the permeability of the capillaries. Also the item a positive impact on the work of the human immune system.
  • Vitamin C Improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, a positive impact on the work of the prostate gland. The doctors argue that the consumption of sufficient quantity of vitamin c is an excellent prevention of prostatitis and benign hyperplasia of the prostate gland.
  • Zinc. Macronutrients are "building material" for essential male androgen testosterone. Also the zinc helps to strengthen the activity of sperm and stabilise the operation of the immune system. Consume zinc is particularly important for men during the period of planning of the pregnancy.
  • Selenium. Mineral affects the reproductive function, the circulation of blood in the pelvis, and the work of the prostate gland.

What products contain vitamins for male potency;

products for men

You receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and macronutrients to enhance sexual power, you can, if you a balanced eating. Correctly built diet will significantly improve the potency and increase libido.

What products contain vitamins for erection, it will show the following table:

Zinc. Perch, trout, herring, sayra, shrimp, egg yolks, anchovies, nuts, and oysters.
Selenium. Bread with bran, dark bread, tomatoes, eggs, shrimp, garlic.
Vitamin C. Onion, cabbage, parsley, carrot, grapefruit, tangerines, lemon, oranges.
The Vitamin E.
Celery, green onions, olive oil, egg yolk, flaxseed oil.
The b group of vitamins. Avocado, banana, beef, milk, tomatoes, orange, corn, spinach, oats, red caviar, kalina, lemon, hot pepper, wild rose.
Vitamins of the group Etc. Milk, eggs, quail eggs, cheese, chicken breast, beef, cheese, mushrooms, herring, shrimp.