How to increase a member in the house: all safe methods

Disgruntled the size of the penis male

Despite the existing standards and indicators, what should be the size of the penis, there are men who still remain unhappy with the options. There is no doubt that many men are concerned about the issue — how to increase a member in the house?

Surgery is only allowed for serious reasons. And in this ground, they start looking for all sorts of ways. In fact, methods and technologies for the self-elongation many, enough to take for himself the most appropriate way.

Can I increase member on the house?

The first thing I ask men, if you can increase the penis alternative methods, without plastic surgery.

Medical professionals offer several different techniques, acting in accordance with the following principle:

  • the stretch mast erection, and the cavernous tissue of the phallus, which are responsible for the size of the organ during an erection?
  • increase of blood flow required to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis?
  • enhance erectile function and increase libido, that affect sexual activity with men as a whole.

It is worth noting that the size of the penis in no way affects the sexual life of men overall and reproductive health.

Another question is if the problem is in the head, when the size of the body causes the appearance of complexes and insecurity. In this case, men can develop erectile dysfunction psychogenic origins.

How many inches can increase a member in the house?

In some areas there are information on what it is your real self to increase authority up to 5 cm in diameter and length.

The final result will depend on several factors:

  • Physiological and individual characteristics – if a man is prone to rapid development, and in reproductive organ will grow more important when you use different ways?
  • Persistence – the process of stretching of the tissues is not fast, therefore, you have to show persistence and to spend time to achieve the effect?
  • Systematic – in the selection of each technique need to perform the procedure regularly. Sometimes I manage to increase the sexual instrument about 1-2 cm, but this is a breakthrough.

Attention! The most effective methods for increasing the length of the penis are the methods of surgery. Other ways to guarantee an increase of more than 2-4 see.

Exercises to increase penis

To enlarge your penis, you can take advantage of the special exercises. Exercises fit men, which is contraindicated the application of different media in the penis, to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions.

The most productive are considered to be 3 exercises, each of which we will examine in more detail.

The cut

The easiest way to increase your penis at home – stretch. Running is quite simple, you need the penis to get behind the head and pulling. It is appropriate to carry out the process from different angles. The power of a significant increase evenly and smoothly, not to injure tissue. Stretching exercise is recommended 10-15 minutes, only with this condition can achieve a result.


For this exercise we need to lead the penis in a state of small excitation. The essence of the method is that the penis delay down and back, after which the man has set. A similar exercise allows you to increase the base of the penis to expand and enhance the size in diameter. The mechanism of action is the increase of the pressure in the cavernous body.


This exercise also requires a imperfect erection. You will need to bend the penis in different directions, when this should not be the sense of pain, so it is carefully keep track of your feelings. If manipulations cause intense discomfort, then this exercise should be stopped immediately. The next time, the bending should be-gently, to avoid tissue damage.


Special external tools, designed for the growth of the penis, they allow you to achieve the result in the house without harming the body. In a medium containing organic constituents, which almost doesn't have contraindications for men.

On the mechanism of action of lubricants there are 3 kinds:

  • Rapid action – after the application of the tool in accordance with the directive your penis grow by two inches, apply must be immediately prior to sexual intercourse.
  • Gel for the growth of the phallus – to use products for such a plan takes several months to achieve a cumulative effect.
  • Ancillary drugs – used for advanced in other methods, such as exercises, it's more designed to change the length and thickness of the penis.

Application of lubricants is considered safe method to increase the size of the penis. But before using, familiarize yourself with the instructions, contraindications and possible side effects.

The enlargement of the penis folk remedies

Apart from exercises and special external media, to enlarge your penis can folk remedies.

The first part you can give it normal food contains these, it also helps herbal medicine – tools based on herbs and medicinal plants can be used as an external, and to be taken orally in the form of infusion and decoction.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda sold in every shop and cheap, so ways that include the use of them is not only effective, but also very affordable.

  • Compresses with baking soda. For cooking you should mix baking soda with honey and apply all over the length of the penis, in addition to heads?
  • Baths with soda solution. With their help, you can improve blood circulation and prevent the development of inflammation. The process is recommended before the sexual act, before achieving an erection?
  • Rub with a basis of soda. This scrub not only increases the sexual body, but also have a preventive effect, prevents the development of urological diseases. Manipulations should be carried out only after a hot shower, in the end, it is important to apply a penis moisturizing cream?
  • Massage with the use of soda. First, the state must apply the basic or olive oil, then the baking soda and massage with a soft sponge for 5 minutes. After the what to expect a little more for 2 minutes and rinse.


Pay attention to the composition of biologically active substances for the increase of the penis, which is included in the herb is able to have such a result. Experts emit the following plants to increase the length and thickness of the phallus:

  1. Epimedium – Korean Epimedium, which is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and affects the size of their penis men. The main active substance in a plant – icariin, which dilates the blood vessels and the cavernous body of the penis, strengthens its erection.
  2. Ginseng – proven treatment that enhances the flow of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis. Already after the first application the penis strongly fills with indeed the blood, and, therefore, increases in thickness and length.
  3. Eurycoma dinality – malaysian ginseng, which also claim broken erectile function by increasing the blood flow to the tissues of the penis. In addition, the plant increases the quantity of sperm in men and the levels of libido.

Pills and nutritional supplements for increasing the penis

To increase the sexual organ at home, you can also by using the drug drugs, which may be synthetic and natural (Tobacco). The mechanism of action is often to strengthen the blood circulation and blood circulation in the tissues of the penis, which increases in a natural way.

Chinese pills – the most popular today is the medicine for penis enlargement, the main component of which is the chinese ginseng. This substance increases the resistance of the organism and protective functions, increases the tone of the tissues and of the skin, as well as enhances the circulation of blood. Thanks, of course, the application of aggregation effect contributes to the increase of the authority.

Bady – is preparations with a basis of vegetable components and vitamins, which is best used in combination with other methods.

Well nutritional supplements containing the following active substances:

  • The oil from wheat germ – this product contains selenium and zinc, building materials the synthesis of testosterone.
  • Vitamin E– an antioxidant, important substance for the reproductive health of men affects the elasticity and stretch ability of the tissues of the penis, and increase strength and libido.
  • Pumpkin seeds – contain zinc, and are a necessary control of reproductive function.

Other methods of penis enlargement

To change the volume and length of the penis is also possible with the use of special fittings, water pumps and extender.

Water pump

This fixture outside looks like a pump, the principle of action guarantees the increased power, the construction and improvement of the quality of sexual life of a man except for the increase in size of the body. But most importantly, this is what water pump on these, helps the man to get an erection and even against the erectile dysfunction with the vacuum, which makes the indeed the blood to arrive in the cavernous bodies.

To apply a water pump vacuum need the following:

  1. member smeared with cream, after which is given in the cylinder of the device?
  2. from cylinder pumped air, which leads to pressure in the beginning?
  3. the pressure increases blood flow, which increases the length and thickness of the penis?
  4. built-in pressure gauge regulates the pressure in the body?
  5. to use a pump before sexual intercourse.

The result promises water pump, in fact temporary, so that the use men with erectile dysfunction and small dimensions as an auxiliary device.


Dilution is a special construction, associated with the sexual organ to increase the length and thickness, as well as for the correction of the curvature. The principle of action is strong by pulling on the fabrics and prolonged exposure. Thanks to this the cells corpus cavernosum begin to divide and multiply.

Dilution is the only device that has a large therapeutic effect. Doctors approve the application for the alignment of the body and increase the size of the. Important it is to be used under the supervision of a specialist, since the method involves high risks of injury.

Solvents there are many kinds – looped, menu, and middle. The most appropriate and efficient are considered to be the middle and menu κου'φώματα, looped itself cost a lot below. To use the fixture you have every day for several hours, as it is the only instrument used in stretching, dilution tweak for the new volume.

Products for big penis

Diet plays an important role in maintaining good health and proper functioning of the reproductive sphere of men. To increase the size of the penis in a natural way you should include in your diet the following foods:

  • Watermelon – ingredients berries enhance blood flow, including local blood circulation in the tissues of the penis.
  • Protein protein is responsible for the levels of testosterone and increase the muscle tissue, this means that the male must eat protein products, particularly meat, cheese, eggs and milk.
  • Nuts and seeds – source of a large amount of nutrients, vitamins, that increase the synthesis of testosterone.
  • Seafood – especially oysters, is aphrodisiac properties, containing the necessary men zinc, which increases levels of testosterone and of their sex abilities.
  • Greens – especially spinach, celery, parsley, which also increase testosterone and enhance the health overall.

Good stimulant of the genital functions are considered to be vegetable oils, herbs, and bitter chocolate, berries, fresh vegetables and fruits, pumpkin seeds.


In fact, the increase in the size of the penis at home without surgery and help the doctors – it's not a myth, but a reality and the result of regular, hard work. Male will have to take the complex techniques that have been described in the article, after which to systematically perform all of the recommendations monitor the daily menu and the way of life, to get rid of bad habits. I don't hope for fast and impressive results, such as the increase in the state over 3-4 million. available options, can give only plastic surgery, but not conservative ways.